Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Wow. Two months. That writing gig I've talked about (see below) has kept me pretty busy.

My name's all over it, so I don't mind telling you what it is now. I am a content provider for Ellusionist, an Internet-based magic training company. I maintain and contribute to the company's blog and write about the products. They make some of the best custom playing cards on the market, so those of you who know me can imagine how much I've been geeking out.

In other news, Duncan, official stepson of the Mailbox, rocks. He made the all-A honor roll and is his classroom's citizen of the month. I am so proud of him I could burst.

And congratulations to my phine phriends Red Pen Inc. and Liphe of Jason, who are phreaking out over the Phillies winning the series in phive. Woot! Now help the Mailbox out and root for the Saints in phootball. WHODAT?!

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